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Meet These Amazing Moms!

Neri Lea Alaniz

There was one day when I was sitting on my couch watching TV with my husband and I thought to myself, "I wish how other moms do this whole motherhood thing?" It made me very curious as to see what advice they got, how old their kids were, how they balance being a mom and everyday life. I'm very thankful that I was able to reach out on a Facebook Group and these 3 amazing moms were willing to answer a few questions for me. Whats awesome is that they are all very different, they live in different places, and handle things different. This is exactly what I wanted to know and thought that maybe everyone else would love to read as well. I would really like to thank these beautiful ladies, without them I wouldn't be posting this! Y'all are truly amazing. I hope you enjoy, they are beautiful moms and their kids are too darn cute!!!


Brooke Desse

1. What’s your name and age? "Brooke Deese, 19"

2. How old were you when you became a mom? "18"

3. Where are you and your family located? "Clara, Ms"

4. How many babies do you have? How old are they currently? ”I have 1, he's 16 months. And 2 bonus babies.”

5. Do you have work, run a website or a have a YouTube channel? If so, what's your link? “No I no longer do.”

6. What is your everyday routine? “TRY to sleep in but that doesn't happen lol, get kayden up from bed and make breakfast. Then we watch some cartoons and play. Around 12 we eat lunch and try to play outside for a while if its not to cold. THEN its nap time PTL😂, after his nap he usually gets some snacks while i cook dinner then we eat, get baths and off to bed.”

7. How do you balance work and taking care of your family?” I don't work, my husband works on a land rig. BUT it's still a challenge to get bills done, house cleaning done, errands in town and 3 meals a day fixed. My only time to manage anything is to get his mind on tv or playing.”

8. We all need some “mommy me time,” what do you do just for you? “A hot bubble bath while the hubby is home and watching the kids is my only me time these days.”

9. What advice did you get before becoming a mother, what did they tell you? “The main advice I always got is, that it's hard but make the best of it because you can't get these moments back. Enjoy them and try to see the best in all situations. Even the MESSY ones.”

10. Now that you have your babies, what advice would you give the mother's reading this blog post?” Its not easy, it's by far the hardest thing I've ever done especially at 19 but it's also the best thing I've ever done. I wouldn't trade this life with my little family for anything. Enjoy it, ALL OF IT. You will look back and cherish these times for the rest of your life so make it worth while. Let them be little, and embrace it all.”

11. In 15 years from now, how old will you babies be and what do you hope for them to be doing? “15, Still in school and working on that permit. This moma hates driving.”


Monique Solomon

1. What's your name and age? “Monique Solomon, 35”

2. How old were you when you became a mom? “I was 27 when I had my baby”

3.Where are you and your family located? “we're in Jamaica”

4.How many babies do you have? How old are they currently? “my baby isn't a baby anymore, she will be 8 in January”

5.Do you have work, run a website or a have a YouTube channel? If so, what's your link? “I run two blogs, and, I do this fulltime”

6.What is your everyday routine? “get my munchkin ready for school and take her, when I get back home I work on my blog from around 9am til its time to pick her up between 3 and 4pm, at which point I take a break from work to cook dinner and spend some time with her. at around 6pm i am usually back around my computer while she's with her friends or on her tablet playing games. i break again at bedtime to read with her and tuck her in, im back at work, forcing myself to go to sleep at midnight at least.”

7.How do you balance work and taking care of your family? “right now the balance is all work and too little family. Being a fulltime blogger is new to me so i am punching away until the income exceeds the level i'd like to get to to sustain ourself fully but have been cognizant of the fact that i need to break more and devote more time to her in the afternoon”

8.We all need some “mommy me time,” what do you do just for yourself? “my me time is very lacking right now. occasionally i head to the salon for a mani pedi or go out with my girlfriends for drinks. i am starting back the gym soon because that is sorely lacking and its showing now”

9. What advice did you get before becoming a mother, what did they tell you? “advice....its been so long that its all out of my head now, i think most people spoke about delivery and gave tips to have a smooth pregnancy, not much motherhood advice”

10.Now that you have your babies, what advice would you give the mother's reading this blog post? “my advice for new moms is to enjoy the cutesy time now when they're babies because once they get older and are fighting to develop their emotions and personalities it becomes a crazy world wind of a ride you may not be prepared to handle. No one told me how to deal with things like anger management and misbehavior”

11. In 15 years from now, how old will you babies be and what do you hope for them to be doing? “in 15 years my little one will be a full-fledged adult, finished college and all. I can only hope that we would have made it out of the teen years without any big emotional issues and come out on the other side well balanced, well-loved and headed towards a successful life”


Terra Carroll Crager

1. What's your name and age? "Terra Carroll Crager, 34"

2. How old were you when you became a mom? "I was 24 when I became a mom."

3.Where are you and your family located? "We live in ALABAMA."

4.How many babies do you have? How old are they currently? "I have two kids a boy and A girl.My girl is 7 and my boy is 10."

5.Do you have work, run a website or a have a YouTube channel? If so, what's your link? Substitute Teacher

6.What is your everyday routine? “I start my day cleaning. Our lives is busy this time of year we have basketball practices, and games for both my 7 year old daughter and 10 year son. Then Between taking them to school, cleaning, practices, church play practices, and shopping for Christmas around my house has been so busy.”

7.How do you balance work and taking care of your family? “ I am one of these moms that like to plan my week, and sometimes thats impossible but the more planning I do the less stress I have it seems.” “I have found sometimes my life is so crazy running and doing for others I can get bogged down so I need a day to recharge if it's a date night with the hubby or a family night out going bowling, catching a movie or having a family day at home grilling and hanging out together...”

8.We all need some “mommy me time,” what do you do just for yourself? “ But I try to always take time to spend with my kids, husband and still swing me some me time if it's only my morning time..ha. I normally take the early mornings for me I fix my coffee read my devotion and have a little prayer time. I do sometimes get away for a pedi and a shopping day..Since I have had my kids I find myself buying for them all the time..LOL”

9. What advice did you get before becoming a mother, what did they tell you? "As a mother I always got unwanted advice and some days it was good information ..EX..Keep socks on their feet or they will have gas..Give them a Luke warm bath to lower temp.."

10.Now that you have your babies, what advice would you give the mother's reading this blog post? "Some advice I like to pass along is not everything works for every child.Enjoy the little things.don't stress about the small stuff like spills, messy rooms, or cars. Because our time is coming to a empty house that is spotless, and car..Pick your battles with your kids ex.them not liking a outfit or wanting to wear a certain shoe..Just let them roll with it to keep them happy.."

11. In 15 years from now, how old will you babies be and what do you hope for them to be doing? "He will be 25. My daughter will be 22 . My wish for them both they will be through with college and working their dream job."




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